Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What to say ...

The problem with having a blog is that I don't always get to write when I have something to say. That's probably a good thing from some people's perspective. Evidently, I am loud, overbearing and talk too much -- that's according to comments someone heard & relayed to me. Great. Guess I should work on being quiet, demure and listen more. Yeah, right. Like that's likely to happen!

Last week I was composing a blog in my head. A lot of things happen in my head! (My family says) I shouldn't listen to the voices in my head. I listen, but don't always understand -- I don't speak French! At least I know the Lord is listening when I have those conversations -- and He does speak French which means He can understand my crazy monologues. Well, since He's listening, it's more of a dialogue. That should encourage me to be quieter and listen more. Don't think I can do anything about being more demure though.

1 comment:

  1. I love you just the way you are. :)
