Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How did this happen?!

After rearing three sons, how is it that I'm the one who typically has to do things around the house? Granted, one has moved out, so he's off the hook. But, the two still living here don't shovel snow unless I ask to have it done. And, I'm the one who usually ends up doing it! I don't get help with repairs unless I hire someone to do it. I have to change the old, broken door knobs.

The excuses I get are, "I'm busy." "I don't have time." "I don't know how to do that." Hello! I could say the same things, but end up adjusting my schedule to eventually get them done. Not knowing how isn't valid ~ think of it as a learning experience. If I don't know how to do it, how do they think it gets done?! I read the directions & follow the diagrams.

Old Christmas ornaments have been in a box on the back porch since July. I quit asking the owners (not me!) to gather the ones they want so it can all be cleaned up. STILL hasn't happened for the two that live here! So, on a very windy day, they got scattered all over the yard. To his credit, Arthur picked them all up, put them back in the box, but they still haven't been moved from the back porch! So, today I'll take it all downstairs, put them in one box & they can separate them if they can find the box after I get it out of my way.

They do schlep laundry baskets for me ~ when I ask. They generally stop at the grocery to pick up milk, etc. ~ when I ask. They take out trash and empty the dishwasher ~ but I usually have to ask/remind.

Guess I'm just tired & feeling alone in my new life. I need to get over it, adjust & get the stuff done.

1 comment:

  1. My vote is to dole out a little of the same medicine.

    Assess the various things you do for them, whatever those things might be. Then, only do those things when specifically asked. You might give fair warning, but apply it universally.

    I'm no mom, but I suspect that if mine had made me specifically ask her every time I wanted her to, say, cook a meal, I would have started to get the picture pretty darn quick.
