Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I enjoyed my time with family -- spending time with my folks, spoiling nieces, etc. I am so thankful we have a good relationship & don't dread getting together.

BUT, when I am not with Dave, I miss him terribly. So, it's good to be back together again. That's the "ah-h-h-h" I'm talking about! Even after 27+ years of marriage, he is the one I would rather be with than anyone else! Comfortable, yes, but also challenging. How can I make his life more restful, how can he adjust his schedule to be with me more (his words, not mine!).

There are changes in the works for us -- home & work. We continue to seek the Lord, asking Him for clear direction as to how best to let go of this work we've spent our lives building ... letting go so we can be available to our families, each other, other ministry. We have years to go (probably), but God is at work in our lives -- together & separately -- to reveal His plan for us.

Ah-h-h-h. The peace & comfort of knowing Someone else is in control ...

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH the peace and comfort of God...is beyond anyone can imagine or dream of...
