Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Getting my nails done

Since my natural nails are thin, weak and break. The tips of my figures hurt all the time, the nails break below the quick, my cuticles bleed, polish doesn't stay on. It's ugly & painful.

So, I have artificial nails on top. Not only do the artificial nails look nicer than my own, but they provide much-needed protection to my natural nails & fingers ~ over time, my natural nails grow & heal, but will always be weak & fragile. Regular maintenance is required ~ every 2-3 weeks I go for a "rebase" or "fill". It requires that I make myself available, relax & let the technician be in control. The old polish is removed, nails are prepped & a new, very thin compound is put on each nail to fill in the gap near the cuticle & any chips. If my natural nail has come loose from the artificial one, that's glued or otherwise repaired to make sure water &/or bacteria doesn't infiltrate the space. That could create serious problems!

After the nails have been repaired, renewed & refreshed, the technician files each one to be sure they are the correct length, even, not thick with the compound ~ look like my natural nails should. The final step before polish is to put oil on the cuticles & then I wash my hands. The new, fresh polish is applied (2 coats) & then a coat of protection on the very top. Once everything is cured under the UV light, my nails should look wonderful for another 2-3 weeks.

Why all this detail about nails? Well, this week has been very difficult (& it's only Wednesday!) & I got to thinking how the process of getting my nails done symbolizes my walk with God.

On my own, I am weak, broken, hurting ~ ugly & painful. I can "paint on a coat of polish" & look nice for a bit, but it doesn't last. And I still hurt underneath. Like my natural nails, I will always be weak & fragile.

When I give myself over to God, He covers the parts that hurt & are broken, giving them time to heal, grow & be restored. His covering provides protection, healing & reveals His beauty. Like getting my nails done, my life requires regular maintenance. Personal time with God to restore my soul, quiet time to listen to Him speak, time with others to teach, learn, encourage, exhort.

I love when I've just had my nails done! They look so nice ~ shiny, shaped, lovely! Sometimes, the process of getting them done is painful, but the end result is fabulous! The same is true in my walk with God. Sometimes, the process is painful, but the end result is wonderful ~ if not from my perspective, from His. He loves me so very much! He provided for my salvation, my life, my eternity. And, ultimately, when I get to the end of my life & enter His presence, I will look & be the best I have every been!

1 comment:

  1. OOOOH Deb!

    How ENCOURAGING !!!! I surely needed that! What a beautiful post from a beautiful Proverbs Lady!
    Your illustration is PERFECT. Even though I've never gotten my nails professionally done I was blessed by the details of it! I appreciate the process you explained.
    Really,it's God's miracle answer for YOUR need! :)
    Spiritually,your entire post was a blessed confirmation this A.M. of what He desires of me right now. He gave me [Joel 12-14, AMP] In my Amplified translation it reads that He desires to remove any hinderances in my relationship to Him and grow closer in Fellowship--and He will leave a blessing behind for seeking Him more!As you pointed out, it wont be just a paint job. :)
    Anywho, because He SATISFIES us with LONG life, you will be having MANY MANY-- DAYS,MONTHS and HEALTHY Years, with great looking nails! :)
    To you and your entire fam---Be Blessed ! with the VICTORY LIFE of Psalm 91!

